Hearts Matter
When you eat Cheerios, you do your heart some good. Here's why:

The whole grain oats in Cheerios contain beta-glucan.

What is beta-glucan?
Beta-glucan is a soluble fibre proven to help lower cholesterol.
How can beta-glucan help lower cholesterol?

Eating foods rich in whole grain oats puts beta-glucan in your digestive system

Lowering your cholesterol is just one step towards a healthy heart

Beta-glucan forms a gel which sticks to some cholesterol and removes it from the body
This is just one way that beta-glucan is thought to help lower cholesterol!

How is beta-glucan part of a healthy lifestyle?
Studies show that three grams of soluble fibre daily from whole grain oat foods - like Cheerios - in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease.
Cheerios cereal provides one gram of soluble fibre per serving.